Letter From The Director...
Dear Prospective Student,
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! The Apostle Paul admonished his son in the gospel to “study to show yourself approved of God, a workman that needed not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). This truth has echoed through the chambers of time for over two thousand years and the essence of it has not diminished at all. This Truth remains the clarion call to every member of the family of God: ‘Study God’s Word.’
Since 1988 the Bethesda Temple Bible Institute (BTBI) has endeavored to facilitate the process of learning more about God and His word by providing Bible based courses with an emphasis on spiritual development, practical application and high academic standards. We are pleased you are considering us to assist you in gaining a better understanding of the Word of God, and helping you determine God’s will for your life.
Whether your goal is personal enrichment or preparation for ministry, you will find the
curriculum at BTBI designed to meet your needs.
Evangelist Rachel A. Webb, M. Div.