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First Lady Melanie Johnson

Purpose: To unite the women of Bethesda Temple Church to be spiritual role models to guide women in their functions as part of the body of Christ for the effective work of the church. To encourage sisters spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.

To spiritually train young women for the work of the ministry, empowering them to be responsible and committed Christians who exhibit high morale, character, conduct, integrity, and Christian values.

To assist the pastor through financial support, thereby helping to meet varying church financial obligations.

The Sisterhood body is divided into nine (9) groups, each named for a fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5:22-23. Each group has a captain and works on various fundraising projects throughout the year. It presents a variety of services and programs.

Function: Annual Sisterhood Day, 1st Sunday in May

Meetings: Every fourth Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Place: Mother JB Johnson Chapel

Contact: First Lady Melanie Johnson, President



Deacon Wilson Meeks

Purpose: To unite men of the church to be spiritual role models to guide men in their functions as part of the body of Christ for the effective work of the church. To spiritually train young men for the work of the ministry, empowering them to be responsible and committed Christians who exhibit high moral, character, conduct, and Christian values.

Function: Men’s Retreat, Men’s Day, Father Son Dinner, Prayer Breakfast

Meetings: All meetings will be announced

Place: Bethesda Temple Church

Contact: Deacon Wilson Meeks

The Las Fidelas Matrons


Sister Ida M. Flanigan, President

Purpose: The Las Fidelas Matrons, "The Faithful Ones" is an auxiliary of the Bethesda Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. in St. Louis, Missouri where Suffragan Bishop Julian Johnson is the pastor. The Matrons are characteristically married or formerly married; baptized in the Name of Jesus; filled with the Holy Spirit; and members of Bethesda Temple Church. Under the sponsorship of Bethesda Temple Church, as sanctioned by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, the Matrons yield themselves to be God's vessels by functioning as auxiliary fund raisers to support God's missionaries in Liberia, Africa.

Children's Church


Purpose: The mission of Children's Church is to empower and ensure the natural and spiritual development of young people through innovative ministry for the purpose of growing dynamic Christians. To rally like-minded young people together for fellowship and to participate in other youth-related activities. It permits young Christians to encourage, communicate, support and fellowship with peers.




Contact: Sis. Lisa McKnight & Sis. Lynetta Capers

Youth & Young Adults Department


Purpose: The mission of the Young People is to empower and ensure the natural and spiritual development of young people through innovative ministry for the purpose of growing dynamic Christians. To rally like-minded young people together for fellowship and to participate in other youth-related activities. It permits young Christians to encourage, communicate, support and fellowship with peers.

Function: Converse

Meetings: 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month

Place: BTC Fellowship Hall

Contact: Minister Larreon Ridgel

The Music Ministry


Purpose: To lead the congregation in songs (Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing, Psalms 100:2), that are foundational in scripture, to connect with God in Worship. (“But as for me, it is good to be near God.” Psalm 73:28)    

Daryl Lester, Minister of Music

Function: Every Worship Service

Place: Main Sanctuary

Contact: Daryl Lester

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